Monday, October 8, 2007


Tomorrow, I (along with 30 others) will be waking up in the wee morning to take a tour of Parliament in London then catching a plane to southern Spain for five glorious, glorious days. Counting Crow's "Holiday in Spain" comes to mind and you better believe I'll be listening to that when I land in Spain. I'll have a post up when I return. Love!
I miss this boy.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

It's A Beautiful Day

Today, to much surprise, we had a beautiful Fall day. The past week has been a little rainy/cloudy/cold which can have a somewhat depressing affect on people. So, when we all woke up this morning and saw the beautiful sunshine we spent most of the day outside playing Frisbee, Rugby, basketball, and of course with the leaves. Here are some of the moments I captured.

Some of the boys like to play chicken on our brick wall. Dangerous?

Here's a few shots that I took of random things in my backyard. I was trying to be a little artistic with some of these shots.

This here is Moose. I've known him for a couple of years now from my brother. The first time I met him we were camping at Midget Mike's. He loves to rock climb. And I like to call him my mountain man. He promised my Mom he would look out for me. Awwwww.

Here are a few pictures with my roommate Kara and my friends Evan and Brent. We like to play in the pretty leaves apparently.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Edinburgh Anyone?

I just got back from our very first independent travel break. A group of six friends and I planned a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland for four days. It was kind of a last minute decision, but it was so much fun and exactly what I needed this week. Here are some highlights from the trip:
Here is Edinburgh Castle. It is massive and fun to play in as we found out.
Another angle. It doesn't look like a typical castle, does it? The castle sits on top of ancient volcanic rock.
We went for a walk in a pretty park.
A beautiful fountain in the park. Sighhhhhhh I miss it already.
The same fountain with a view of the castle. Admit it, you're a little jealous.
Here's a picture of us girls playing in the castle. There were some openings where they shot cannons out of. We replaced cannons with our bottoms.
Here's me being silly and sticking my head through a cannon hole.
Here's Brent being silly with me. He can quote every episode of Friends, he loves Texas Tech, and he actually knew what "Marry/Bof/Kill" was. Impressive.
I'm taken. It's official. I'll send the invititations soon.
Here is a canon that they shoot everyday at 1 o'clock. I'm so hardcore, right?
Here is Brent, Me, and Rachel on top of the castle. It was super windy.
Pretty city picture. If you look reallllly close you can see the ocean.
This brought me back to Bonita Park and it made my heart warm. Extreme repelling anyone?
Here I am in front of The National Art Gallery in Edinburgh. They had a special exhibition of Andy Warhol's work. He was a revolutionary artist in the 60s and he did a painting involving Campbells soup that made him super famous.
Another famous painting of Andy Warhol's was called "Silver Clouds". So here we are playing with some silver clouds and pretending we are seven again. It was nice.

This is St. Gile's Cathedral. I didn't go inside it, but I had to take a picture of this gorgeous building.
The sunrise as we flew back to London. Breathtaking.
Here I am back in Oxford and I finally got to use my umbrella. It has only rained once since I've been here which is so rare.
Kamerie and I cooked spaghetti for dinner and we had leftover noodles. What to do? We decided to leave a present on our friends' Brent and Daniel's door. Aren't we sweet?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Edinburgh by Morning

At 1:00 am tomorrow morning me and eight of my friends are journeying to Edinburgh, Scotland for our first official travel break. We're hoping to visit the famous Edinburgh Castle, go on a ghost tour (don't know how I'm going to enjoy that-- i HATE being scared), visit some museums, look at pretty churches, and maybe even a dance club :). Anyways, please pray for safety on our trip and I'll post some pictures when I get back. Miss you guys!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

On Thursday the group was able to go to Bath and Breckon, Wales. It was an amazing experience to say the least. Good friendships were made and amazing talks that I will never forget. God works in amazing ways.

Here is Joel at the ancient Baths in Bath. I just liked the way he was posing beside the Roman guard.

Here is a picture of one of the baths. It's said to have healing powers from hundreds of years ago. It was really beautiful.

Here's a pretty picture. In the background is the Bath Abbey, an ancient church that was magnificent.

Me being rebellious (you aren't allowed to touch the water).

Ashlynn and myself by one of the springs leading into the baths. Please notice my Chaco representation!

Ashlynn and I giving the ancient columns some love.

Also in Bath was a Fashion History Museum that had collections of some old and beautiful clothing. They had a spot were you could try on corsets and hoop skirts. Here's Ashlynn and I's hoop skirt modeling shots.

A church were I prayed.

Here's a really funny picture of Ashlynn and I. These masks fit us perfectly don't you think? Kinda creepy!

Here is Kamerie, Rachel, Brent and I in Britsol. We went to a British Museum here that had a really awesome display on slavery in Britain.

A hill we discovered near our hostel in Wales. Breathtaking, right?

Another beautiful picture.

The hostel we stayed at.